Spring Fluffing No. 2
I went to the dollar store today. Yes, I LOVE our dollar store. It is an original one. Not Dollar General... not Family Dollar, but it is the Real Deal. I get the real deals when I go there! Love it!

And here's my Sweetie after a big swig of Pepsi. LOL! I'm sure he loves when I take pictures of him at the most opportune moments. Isn't he cute though? That's where our boys get their good looks! LOL!

It is great for crafters for sure. They get some really different things in there.
Anyway, I found these dishes which my friend Wendy MADE me buy. 4 for $1. Twist my arm! I also found this cute little napkin holder which has a ceramic flower to hold the napkins in the basket. I guess for when my kids make tornado-like winds by running around the dining room table.

Oh... and these are the Spring fabrics I bought the other day. Wendy, I know you wanted to see them.... here they are!

Also, I went to Salvation Army today and found these ADORABLE little yellow cups for $.50 each. They are about the size of cappuccino cups. My boys will love drinking their tea out of them in the morning. LOL.. okay maybe not love (like I would love it), but they will tolerate them.