Spring & Headbands
The boys got Sidewalk Chalk for Easter and had so much fun drawing all over the driveway!
They were so cute! You can click on the pictures to make them a little bigger (I think!)

These are my flowers that are coming up around my driveway. Yeah! Spring is coming!!!

This is the pond behind our house. We love to walk there and throw stones in it. We also see lots of animals there.

Ok... and lastly, while my parents were here, my mom and I did some sewing. This is the headband I made. I'm getting better at them and I will do a tutorial the next time I make one. I will then post it. My mom made a baby bonnet from one that she had when she was a baby (60 years ago!) It was SO cute! I'm going to post pictures of that too, hopefully tomorrow.

They were so cute! You can click on the pictures to make them a little bigger (I think!)