Trash to Treasure Thriftstore Find Part Two

If you're a follower of my blog, you remember that I made a purse from some thrift store finds. Some wool material and a white cotton sweater. Here it is to remind you. After having carried it a few times, I'm disappointed that I didn't put some fusible fleece in the purse to make the sides a bit sturdy. It is a bit floppy for my taste.

There were still some material and sweater parts left over, so what did I do with them you ask?
{I know you were wondering...}

Tonight, I took the leftovers and chopped them into a bunch of squares.

and turned them into a scarf to match the bag. Cute model, no? {The scarf is for me, not him.}
I put a magnetic catch behind the vintage buttons to connect the two ends while it is on. Can't wait to wear it!


This project is linked at Junkologie.... stop by and see the other trash to treasure projects which are linked up!

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