Fun Mail!!!
My friend Sally from Canada sent me a RAK! She knows how much I love bento boxes, so when she saw these adorable rice shapers, she picked them up for me! Isn't that sweet? They showed up today! So, naturally, I had to make sushi rice for dinner so I could shape it. Here's our dinner... Panko-crusted yellow squash, paprika chicken, carrots and shaped sushi rice! AWE! Thank you, Miss Sally!
Oh..and for those of you who don't know what a bento box is, it is a Japanese lunchbox usually done up beautifully. Here are a few examples. I had more, but PSP is stuck and I have to shut it down, so I'll try to show the others later. If you've made a bento, send me pictures! I'd love to see them!

I have been entering all kinds of fun blog give-aways over here. The Secret is In The Sauce is a great website that connects all kinds of fun bloggers. Anyway, I WON an awesome prize from Joy To The Blog that couldn't be more ME! Loads of alpha stamps, some fun papers in calendar form, stickers and such. Very fun!